Does wine make you flirtatious? Do whiskey shots make you antagonistic? What do you know about tequila — does it make you feel like a party animal? good news- The emotions you feel after drinking those beverages are very genuine. The bad news- You probably feel them just because you expect to.No matter what, every alcoholic liquor you drink contains a similar type of alcohol. It's called ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol (C2H5OH), and it's pretty much the only one that won't quickly kill you (please do not try drinking isopropyl alcohol(C3H8O)). Despite this fact, various liquors do have a few variations:
Liquor has a more concentration of ethanol than wine does, and wine has a more concentration than beer. This is why whiskey is served an ounce at a moment, and lager is served by the pint. There's also the fact that certain drinks are served with certain mixers. Blend rum with Coke or vodka, and you'll feel very different than if you had mixed in with a caffeine-free liquor like tonic water. One reasonable way that different types of alcoholic drinks really can give you a different drunk — that is, one not formed by your expectations — is through something called congeners. These are byproducts of the fermentation and/or distillation method, and they can vary a lot among alcoholic liquors. They mostly read why tequila is a different color than whiskey and why gin tastes different than vodka, but it's reasonable that they can also affect the way you feel after drinking. There isn't enough investigation, either way, to know for certain, so the jury on how congeners affect your buzz is still out. But the most likely explanation for why you feel different after different drinks? You expect to.
Studies have shown that our expectations have a big effect on how we think after drinking. According to an article written in Alcoholism Clinical & Experimental Research, even when every participant in a study drinks until they have the same blood-alcohol level, they show different levels of impairment. Research recommends that the way they act depends on the way they suppose to act: Those who suspect not to feel drunk actually feel less drunk. Likewise, other studies have shown that people also feel less drunk in situations where it's a good idea to act like you are calm.