Do you know, that we live between mysterious places? Some places we know but some places are hidden from the world these places more weird and mysterious than our thinking. If you know any weird and mysterious place near your house then tell us in the comment box. Ok without wasting your precious time, Let's start it.
Bermuda triangle
Mystery solved- Taylor got his men killed due to an error of judgment, and certainly didn't need the help of extinct Atlanteansor space aliens to do so. There is of course the popular follow-up to Flight 19's disappearance- the disappearance of a search and rescue aircraft sent on the same flight path that very night. Once more depending on which conspiracy theory website you read the story on, the disappeared plane either vanished into thin air, was spotted being followed by UFOs, or became a victim of another Atlantean fire crystal. Yet in reality, the alleged 'sudden' and 'unexplained' disappearance had several witnesses who all reported a fireball crashing to the ocean. The next morning plane debris and an oil slick was discovered. This was the work of UFOs trying to throw investigators off the scent. Except the PBM Mariner aircraft which had been dispatched to look for the missing flight already had a nasty reputation for randomly exploding- which on a top ten list of things an aircraft shouldn't do it right at number one. The aircraft had already earned the nickname of 'flying gas tank' by its pilots, and after the disappearance of the search and rescue Mariner, the Navy grounded all of its Mariners and eventually replaced them altogether.
So an irresponsible commander with a faulty compass showed up to work half-drunk and led his men far out into the sea to crash, and the search and rescue aircraft dispatched to find any remains itself exploded due to its poor construction. For some, this is still not enough to convince them that aquatic Bigfoots in cahoots with space aliens aren't firing Atlantean fire crystals at our planes and ships. Since the mid-1970s, Lloyds of London has been attempting to convince the unwashed masses that there is nothing weird about the Bermuda triangle. Lloyds of London is a maritime insurer who has insured ships heading out to sea since the seventeenth century. Every time one of their insured ships goes down in an accident or bad weather, they lose a significant amount of money- thus Lloyds of London keeps one of the world's most detailed records of all maritime accidents all around the globe. The area known as the Bermuda Triangle is a very heavily trafficked sea lane. Cruise ships routinely cross through the triangle bringing thousands of tourists to the Bahamas and other tropical islands, and giant cargo ships cross through the waters en route to ports in the Gulf of Mexico. A ship wishing to dock at the southern US's largest ports- such as Mobile, Alabama, must cross through the triangle on its way to America from Europe, Africa, or even Asia. All of this heavy ship and air traffic is bound to result in a large number of shipping accidents and lost ships. No matter how advanced our modern technology is, some estimates say that we still lose two dozen large ships every year, completely vanishing along with their crews. The ocean is still a wild and very dangerous place for mankind to tread, and occasionally it likes to remind us of that fact. When you concentrate large amounts of shipping traffic through a narrow corridor such as the Bermuda Triangle, it's expected that from time to time there will be a headlines grabbing disappearance. Yet after scouring its records, Lloyds of London was able to prove to the public that this part of the world suffers shipping accidents and losses at nearly the same rate as anywhere else on the planet.
The methane however can rise for tens of thousands of feet, and when it comes into contact with the superheated jet exhaust, it can explode. The resulting explosion could damage jet engines and cause planes to fall out of the sky. The theory is completely plausible and very realistic- except scientists say that the last massive release of undersea methane in the area occurred about fifteen thousand years ago. It turns out that the only real mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle is why there's a mystery left to begin with. The facts and the data have been publicly available since the mid-1970s, and prominent scientists have debunked the entire mystery routinely over the last several decades. In the end, it seems people simply like having a good mystery, and living in a world with no mysterious circumstances, alien space ships, and Atlantean fire crystals may be too boring for some. What do you think is the real source of the Bermuda Triangle mystery? Is there something else there that we might be overlooking? Tell us your theory in the comment.
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Pyramids |
This article was made possible by Assassin’s Creed Origins, which is out today. When we think of ancient Egypt, most imagines and swept plains with giant pyramids jousting up from a barren desert, juxtaposed next to the lush meandering Nile spilling nutrients into the surrounding floodplains to feed this burgeoning empire. But all we have for reference for this vision of the past are the ancient monuments and artifacts that remain and ancient hieroglyphs, that puzzled linguists for centuries. The ways of this ancient world is shrouded in mystery, so when I was invited out by Ubisoft to get a private tour of the British Museum, speak with historians and get hands-on experience with their 3D exportable vision of ancient Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins to learn more, I jumped at the opportunity. Today we are going to explore this ancient world and try to uncover one of its greatest secrets, how a civilization without power machinery managed to build those gigantic godly structures. In our modern world, these structures may seem to some as just huge piles of rock. With modern machinery, like cranes, it may be easy to take for granted the monumental task of moving and lifting this much material. So let’s put this problem in context founders and why it has baffled historians for centuries. The largest of the Great Pyramids, Pyramid Khufu, was the tallest man-made structure on earth for almost four thousand years. Pyramid Khufu contains over 2.3 million limestone blocks, each weighing an average of 2.5 tonne's, which form the interior structure of the pyramid and an additional 200,000 blocks were used for the smooth white stone casing, which now only exists on the upper cap. but the Pyramids aren’t simply giant piles of limestone arranged nicely, Pyramid Khufu, incredibly, contains massive interior chambers, like the king’s chamber, which is supported by massive granite beams, with the heaviest weighing about 40 tones, that’s about the same as the maximum allowable weight of a fully laden articulated truck. These stones are located between 43 meters and 65 meters up the pyramid. Just transporting the massive stones to the site from the quarries was a massive undertaking, but other civilizations that predate the Egyptians have achieved similar feats, like Stonehenge, or the even more ancient Irish building of Newgrange. The limestone for the Pyramids was quarried nearby, much of it quarried directly next to the pyramids, while the granite was likely taken from Aswan and transported to the site on boats. We know from hieroglyphs that the Egyptians used wooden sleds to transport heavy objects, while workers lubricated its movement with water. This was simply a problem of manpower, which the wealthy Egyptian empire was not short on. What has fascinated me is the logistic challenge of building a structure like this, the sequence of events and mechanisms that these ancient engineers used to lift these immense weights into place is a mystery, a mystery that many have tried to solve, but many theories come up short. To solve this riddle, let’s start with what we do know. First things first, unless the Pyramids were truly built by aliens with anti-gravity machines, the pyramids were built from the bottom. Next, because of the precise geometric shape of the pyramids, with each side of the Great Pyramid being 230.3 meters long, with the largest difference in lengths, between the Northern and Southern edge, at only 4.4 centimeters. This level of accuracy could only have been possible if the external casing stones were laid first, allowing any deviations to be caught early and corrected before the internal structure was filled in. This makes any theories for external ramps or cranes unlikely, as they would have been extremely difficult to attach to the smooth external wall, which was inclined at 52 degrees. Instead, the most prevalent theory suggests a ramp on one side of the pyramid that would raise with the pyramid, but this has its limitations. When pulling a weight like this uphill, the force required is given by this equation.
The average mass of blocks was 2.5 tonnes, or about 24,500 Newton's, there were heavier blocks, but these were mainly used in the lower levels. Let’s set our slope angle alpha, at 7 degrees, and the coefficient of friction between two pieces of wet wood is about 0.1, using these figures we can calculate the force needed to pull this weight uphill at 5418 Newton's. Modern safety guidelines say the maximum any worker should pull is 225 Newton's, but since this is a prolonged track and stoppings not an option, most calculate the max each worker would pull at 150 Newton's or about15.3 kg. So that means we would need around 36 workers would be needed to haul this weight. This figure is reasonable, but for every additional degree of slope, at least an extra 3 workers will be needed, which would soon become extremely impractical. The other option, of simply elongating the ramp and maintaining the angle is completely unfeasible, as constructing the ramp would be a bigger project than the great pyramid itself.
Like any modern construction project, these are all logistical issues the Egyptians would have had to overcome. This is the core of engineering. Trying to solve problems with the tools at hand, and now we have to reverse engineer this problem without knowing exactly what tools the Egyptians had. One of the most convincing theories I have seen, from French architect, Jean-Pierre Houdin, may hold the truth of the Pyramids construction. Jean-Pierre theorized that this external ramp was used to construct up to the height of the King's Chamber at around 43 meters, allowing the heaviest granite stones used to be hauled up this ramp. Granite has often been used in grand historic buildings for its superior compressive strength, allowing the buildings to grow in size, here the granite was tasked with supporting the immense weight of the pyramid above the King’s Chamber. At this height, the majority of the volume of the pyramid is completed, but we still need a way of transporting those final blocks into place. This is where the innovative part of Jean-Pierre’s theory comes in. He proposes that while the first 43 meters were being constructed, the workers also built an internal ramp, which would transport material recycled from the exterior ramp to the top of the pyramid.
Now, this theory should be easy to prove, the interior ramp should still exist, but the Pyramid is a protected structure, we can’t just take it apart to see what’s inside. But we do have tools that can peer into the internal structure without damaging it, one team used micro gravimetric in 1986 to measure the density of different sections of the pyramid. This research produced this image, showing a strange pattern where the green indicates lower density, which closely matches the pattern of Jean Pierre’s predicted internal ramp. I believe this is the most convincing theory to date, but it is yet to be confirmed or disproven. The mystery of the pyramids construction may remain a mystery forever, but you can explore this mysterious world in Assassin’s Creed Origins, which is out today. I fell in love with the Assassin’s Creed franchise when I got to explore Florence in Assassin’s Creed 2. It gave me a unique insight into this distant world, and I got the exact same feeling exploring Egypt in Assassin’s Creed Origins.
They are even including a mode called Discovery Tour to turn off the hippo violence and give you guided tours around this beautiful recreation of the past.
Aokighara suicide forest
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Aokighara suicide forest |
Paris catacombs
You might even call it “The City of the dead”, so it’s no wonder that filmmakers have chosen it as a spot for horror flicks. Next time you’re in Paris you should take your Ouija board down there, but remember not to say, “Is there anybody here?” because the spirits probably won’t understand you. Instead say, “Y a-t-il quelqu'un ici ?” It might have been scary, but after 1809 when the place was opened to the public it attracted a lot of visitors from France and abroad. It got even more visitors when well-known people were sent to live for eternity down there, including the once President of FranceNapoleon III – related to the bellicose Napoleon you all know well. At times the hordes of visitors got too much for the authorities and they limited entrance or just closed the place to the public for months on end. These days you can go down there any time of the year and it’s said annually about 550,000 people do just that. Ok, so that’s the history, but what about the mystery and intrigue. Well, one would think that an underground place of that size would have an underground society. That it did, and we are told on August 23, 2004, cops went down there and had quite the surprise, finding a cinema. We must mention here that some parts of the catacombs are closed off from the public, but it seems some people get past the barriers.
This is what Gizmodo tells us about this discovery, “They found 3,000 square feet of subterranean galleries, strung with lights, wired for phones, live with pirated electricity. The officers uncovered a bar, lounge, workshop, dining corner, and small screening area.” When they found a metal container with fat and wires in it they thought they’d come across a bomb and that something very ominous was going on down in those holes, but the bomb squad said what they found was merely couscous maker. Who were these people? The cops didn’t know, and when they returned a few days later with more authorities they found most of the equipment gone and a letter left for the reading, “Ne Cherchez pas,” meaning “Don’t search.” That kind of message obviously caused a frisson of panic in the police as saying don’t search was what someone with bad intent might say. Soon the world’s media was speculating. Was there an underground movement in Paris-it wouldn’t be the first time Parisians had machinated to attack the powers that be. This was serious, given that many of the closed tunnels could be home to anything, and there are supposed to be about 155 miles (250km)of passageways in total. But nothing sinister was going on, and later a group responsible for the underground cinema said, “We are the counterpoint to an era where everything is slow and complicated.”
It was discovered the group called themselves “The Mexican Consolidated Drilling Authority.” That’s the English translation. This was a serious outfit, given they'd stolen electricity to power their cinema and got all that stuff down there without anyone seeing. But others have been fascinated by the catacombs for years, and these folks are often called “cataphylls”. Who wouldn’t be fascinated by a place where the Phantom of the Opera hid and where millions of dead rest? But many real-life things happened down there that have caused people to be intrigued. A group known as the Communards (not the 80sBritish pop duo) killed a bunch of French monarchists in the tunnels. The French Resistance hid in them, while the Nazis had a bunker down in the catacombs. More recently AirBnB paid a whopping $300,000to rent some part of the tunnels for the night. What’s more interesting, especially to cataphylls, is that there are many, many secret entrances to the catacombs. You might find a doorway to this underground world of the dead in bar cellars, subway tunnels, and better still, in church crypts. Not surprisingly, sometimes these doors get found and people go down there to explore. And let’s face it, you’re not a teenager if you don’t enjoy exploring places you probably shouldn’t go. Well, perhaps modern teens do most of their exploration in the digital realm and in games, but in the past, the best thing about being young was sneaking into places and quite often getting in trouble.
Could there be any place in the world better to sneak into for a bunch of teens than the Paris catacombs? Well, that happened in 2017 but as you might expect, it didn’t go too well for the itinerant teens. Two boys aged 16 and 17 got lost down therewith the dead and were only eventually pulled out three days later both with a case of mild hypothermia. Three days under the ground in the cold walking around tunnels with no food and mostly in darkness takes sneaking into places to another level.
Still, they have a better story to tell than, “I completed level 5.” Hmm, ok, so it might just be a little irresponsible of us to promote this kind of adventure. We say this because someone died down therein 2016. The person didn’t die from cold or being lost, though, he died of a heart attack when he was partying hard down there. One thing you should know about the catacombs, they have been a top spot for Parisian people who like to party. You could call these events the quintessential underground party. The French media says a bunch of people took some music down, along with a lot of booze and some substances not legal in the living world. Things turned awry when a 45-year old man's heart had seen too much partying. There are other reports of people going missing down there. In 2011, five people went down drunk but it was a prank, and two ran away to leave the others. But they didn’t get out and spent two days wandering around. In other cases, artists have gone to make films and take pictures, some of them even with an erotic angle.
One of the people who control how many people go down there says every week people ask him if they can visit and do something weird or wonderful. “Obviously, we say no. This is a sacred place, which houses the remains of six million Parisians. We only allow serious or scientific documentaries,” he said to the French media. He says there is a growing problem with what are called naked explorers, and many of them apparently come all the way from the USA. We are told that the modus operandi often is for the people to go down there and pretend they are just tourists, but they then leave lots of equipment and return later. But for the locals, there is still what you might call an underground cult that visit the catacombs and discuss art, the end of the world, or just take a swim where pools of water can be found. Free from the hustle and bustle of Parisian streets and the pretension of café culture, some French folks just like to get down with the dead and leave the rest of the world behind. But as you might expect, such a good hiding place is also attractive to those people inclined to criminality. In 2017 there was a case that involved some thieves drilling through walls to get to some rather special vintage wine that was secretly kept underground. That wine was said to be worth over $280,000. That’s not a bad score for a place that usually just keeps a bunch of old bones and dusty skulls. Would you go down in those catacombs? Do you think you’d be up for being a cataphyll?
Easter Island
What is so particular about this one the mystery is concealed not on the island itself? But the giant stone statues covering it who created the world-famous huge stone heads Did they serve any specific purpose? Where did their creators arrive from and where did they disappear?
Well, it seems the answer is finally just around the corner read this article and satisfy your curiosity Learning all the truths about Easter Island remember to give us thumbs up. We work to make your life brighter What do we know about the island itself? Rapanui which is the name given to Easter Island by its first? Inhabitants are the territory of Chile and are situated in the southern pacific ocean? And it is so so far that you can easily consider it one of the most distant places on the world's map It lies 1,200 miles away from Pitcairn which is its closest neighbor? Chile itself is 2,300 miles away to the west the only transport that can take you there is a plane If you want to get to this destination point you will need to spend five hours on board flying from Santiago Chile to Easter Island The area of the island is just 63 square miles and such let's admit a tiny territory is home to 887 huge stone statues Here are some interesting facts you might not know about them The statues carry the name boy, they started to be carved at some point between the 13th and 15th centuries Rapanui statues are easily recognized. Thanks to the peculiar faces.
They have long noses wide Chin's Rectangular ears heavy brows and deeply set eyes It is quite curious that the nostrils curl in the way fishhooks do Firstly people thought that the statues were made up only by their heads But surprisingly it turned out that there are full bodies that are attached to that It was discovered during excavations in May 2012 the bodies were just hidden underground In fact the statues are very tall the biggest one is 33 feet tall and weighs 90 us tonnes. But that's not the record once that you unearthed on the island was incomplete but according to scientific calculations it had to reach 70 feet in height and weigh about 297 US tonnes Still the heads of the statues visible from the first site make up 3/8 of each statue size as For the arms they were carved against the bodies resting in different positions.
Most statues 834 out of 887 were carved from the material called tough, which is in fact compressed volcanic ash Curiously all the statues except one group face inland it means their backs are turned to the ocean Perhaps the reason for that was the belief that the statues were the protectors of the villagers That's why they overlooked the settlement The only statues not fitting into this pattern can be found at a look Envy a sacred place for the people of Rapa Nui There is a unique statue on the island it is the only statue which was found in a kneeling position It's name is to Kotori Scientists believe that the statue depicts an ancient singer his position resembles the one people took at the festival of rui The head of the statue is lifted quite high and you can even notice a beard To Kotori looks much more human-like than the other statues It's smaller size and the unusual Material the statue is made of red Puna puah stone are the things that make it stand out among the rest All these facts are quite intriguing right keep reading there are several mysteries to unravel, People keep wondering how the statues of such huge weight have been distributed all around the island.
What is more when Europeans first arrived at the island in 1722? They found a small local population of just between one and a half and three thousand people How could it correlate with the hundreds of statues on the island? Surely there had been numerous theories about how the statues had been moved One of the most popular ones among the lovers of mysteries was the belief that the statues have been created and moved by aliens But even if you like this theory we are sorry to debunk it the stone the statues were built from originates from the island itself the birthplace of most of the material was an extinct volcano situated in the northeast of Easter Island and not another planet The mystery surrounding the way Rapa Nui people could move the statues challenged the researchers not letting them back off in the 80s some of them decided to recreate a statue and check the possibility of moving it around They were to use only the tools that could be available for the Aborigines.
It seemed impossible to do But a bit later an American archaeologist succeeded in moving a ten US ton copy Several decades passed and another group of American Scientists proved that the Islanders could tie ropes and circling the huge statues and move them with a walking motion They backed up their theory with practice moving a full-sized replica for three hundred and thirty feet using this method Actually their idea can explain why Rapanui folklore states that the statues were walking with the help of magic it explains the way the statues were transported to their designated places But what about the remaining question? How could a handful of inhabitants create such magnificent and numerous monuments a? New study has been conducted recently to specify the maximum number of inhabitants in the heyday of the islands Civilization the results arrived and they were quite unexpected it turned out that as many as seventeen and a half thousand people could comfortably live on the island at least 19 percent of the land could be covered with the fields of sweet potatoes that used to be the main source of food for The population what is more the Islanders consumed quite a lot of seafood and fish? So knowing these numbers you can see that there were enough people to create the stone masterpieces But what happened to them why did they disappear? At first, it was believed that the reason for such a decrease in the population was an eco side the natives cut out large forests and palm trees making spare room for moving the statues around as well as Agriculture they thought the trees were going to grow back fast enough. It was a misleading concept the deterioration of the environment resulted in hunger and this, in turn, led to Wars and cannibalism Nowadays however such a theory has been proven wrong first of all Rapa Nui inhabitants seem to be very talented agricultural engineers They deliberately fertilized the fields with the volcanic rock, in fact, another research has shown that people had been living on the island for many centuries and the population only started to decrease when Europeans began visiting So a much more realistic explanation is also very tragic South American raids in the pursuit of slaves frequented the island throughout the nineteenth century Half of the Aborigines were taken away What is more European traders brought to the island new diseases? which the locals hadn't been protected from and introduced in Forced Migration. Led to the fatal decline of the nation that presented the world with such a miracle as the mystery of Easter Island Have you heard these facts before sharing your opinion and ideas in the comments below.